Boost Your Income With Holiday Photos That Stand Out

Boost Your Income With Holiday Photos That Stand Out

Before we head into some of the most photographed seasons of the year, I’d like to point out one of the biggest differences between photos that sell and photos that don’t. It’s this: Good photography is more about what you leave out of the photograph than what you put...

Create an Easy Travel Video From Your Vacation Photos

Create an Easy Travel Video From Your Vacation Photos

It’s the last day of our Video Expedition in Paris. As a photographer, I can’t resist taking a few still shots to go along with the video clips I’m collecting. The cool thing is, you can easily add still photos into your videos, too. In fact, you can sell the photos...

Make a Fun Travel Video (You Can Sell) in a Single Afternoon

Make a Fun Travel Video (You Can Sell) in a Single Afternoon

Sometimes you wait too long. You’re behind the curve. You wait for an opportunity and then you miss it. You hem and haw about something and then it’s gone. Other times you’re ahead. An opportunity comes along and you jump on it. Timing... instinct... and luck all come...

The easy way to make money with travel videos

Today is all about the final step in selling your first travel video. I will also provide a few other options on how to make money with travel videos. Step 4: Follow-up and closing the deal By now, you’ve already created a commercial sample video, received a client...

How to sell your first travel video

Yesterday I explained the first two steps to selling your travel videos. Today I’ll dive into step 3. Step 3: Contacting the person in charge of marketing At this point in the process, you’ve created a sample video, received a testimonial from your first client, and...

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