How Much Should You Pay If You Earn $1 An Image?

A reader writes, “Hi Shelly, It was awesome to work with you [in Santa Fe at the AWAI photography workshop], and I look forward to doing so again, at a future event. “I am extremely interested in stock photography. But if I understood correctly, both you...

Photo Tip: Commercial vs. Editorial Photography

If you’ve been reading this e-letter for any length of time, you’ve probably heard the term “model release.” And so you probably know that, in some cases, you need one if you want to sell your “people” photos. But knowing when,...


[EDITOR’S NOTE: Unfortunately this site no longer exists.] “A passion for living well” — that’s how the editors at define the word “vezeo.” This online guide to “‘superior’ restaurants, hotels, resorts,...

December Winners: “Traditions”

Last month’s photo challenge theme was “Traditions” — and everyone must have been very busy with their own as we didn’t have many entries. Nevertheless, there were great shots among those who did submit entries. Here are the...

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