Photo Tip: Selling Photos to Magazines, Step One

No matter where you’re submitting your images, it’s critically important to read and follow the guidelines. Any place that accepts photo submissions — whether it’s a newspaper, magazine, gallery, stock site, or contest — will have some...

Featured Publication: Literary Traveler

If one of the reasons you love to travel is to get some alone time with a good book, then I’ve got the perfect featured publication for you. Literary Traveler ( If you like to see a place though your favorite author’s eyes,...

How to Look Thinner Photo Tip #2: How to Stand

This full-body pose is the quickest way to look slimmer in photos – and it works on almost everyone.  Just flip through a beauty magazine and you’ll see models and celebrities doing it on every page. Here’s how to do it, step by step: ** 1.) A person’s body positioned...

How to Look Thinner in Photos: Double Chins

Yesterday I told you about our new e-book: How to Look 10 Pounds Thinner and 20 Years Younger in Every Photo You Take.  And I said the tips inside are so good, I’ve pulled three of them out for this week’s newsletter to run as a special How-to-Look-Good-in-Photographs...

Photo Tip: Using Perspective to Create Humor

This month’s photo challenge theme Laughable Photographable has brought in a lot of funny pictures. Several of them, I noticed, have one thing in common.  And that one thing is actually the element that makes the photograph funny. It’s the...

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