Sunset shooting is my favorite.  I like to catch the golden hour and people in their playful time! In photography, lighting and emotion in a picture are key. Lighting creates emotion. And so does the way we use our settings! Shooting into the sun, it’s best to be in Manual. And, as sun flare photography is a popular trend, I don’t use my hood, allowing the sun drops to catch my lens.  (You learned how to do this yesterday, here.) These portraits were shot with Canon Mark II and my favorite monster lens, the 70-200mm 2.8… DeborahKolb-9398 DeborahKolb- Shooting into the sun can be tricky and hard for your lens to focus. So, I find a spot on my subject (out of the sun flare) to focus on, then recompose into the sun like this… DeborahKolb-4817 ISO 400 F/S 2.8 SS 1/500 DeborahKolb-4840 ISO 800 F/S 2.8 SS 1/250 Capturing silhouettes is just a matter of getting the settings right.  The silhouette was shot first. DeborahKolb-0229 ISO 200 F/S 5.6 SS 1/320 DeborahKolb-0234 ISO 640 F/S 5.6 SS 1/160 Canon Mark II and my go to Lens the 24-70mm 2.8 Sometimes when shooting at sunset or sunrise, I have two cameras with my two favorite lenses on each, so I can quickly get the shot I want. This image was a self-portrait, inspired by a Breakfast Stock Club assignment. I had my tripod and two cameras. day 3 again Lighting is beautiful on plants and flowers, and my “vineyard grapes at sunset” has been a top seller… day 3 also Here’s an example of nice even lighting on our Thanksgiving pie before the sun slips away shutterstock_122467444 Some of my top sellers are of fun at sunset… day 3 shutterstock_138823652 This was shot for Fourth of July, and I added “Memorial Day” key words to give it more sale diversity. Grab your camera, your friends, family, food, drinks, and go!  Enjoy sunset.  And capture it all with your lenses! Share on Facebook

[Editor’s Note: Learn more about how you can turn your pictures into cash in our free online newsletter The Right Way to Travel.  Sign up here today and we’ll send you a new report, Selling Photos for Cash: A Quick-Start Guide, completely FREE.]

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