Dear Reader,

I try to make it a habit to send you good travel deals when I see them. And this one from Jet Blue caught my attention this week…

It’s called: All You Can Jet. And for $599 (plus tax and any baggage fees) you can fly anywhere Jet Blue goes, as many times as you’d like, for a whole month — from September 8 through October 8, 2009.  That’s unlimited travel for one month to any of the 57 cities Jet Blue flies.

I, for instance, (if I wasn’t nine months pregnant and therefore unable to fly), could fly to Jamaica one weekend. California the next. Florida to visit my grandmother the weekend after that. And then maybe the Bahamas or Bermuda if I wasn’t tired of flying yet.

As long as seats were available on the flights I want (and I’d check that before I buy into this deal by looking at their website and putting in my requested dates and locations) I’d pay only $599 plus tax and baggage.

And consider this: If I were flying a really long distance… say, Seattle to Aruba, for example, I wouldn’t even have to book multiple flights to get my money’s worth. Flights typically run around $900 from Seattle to Aruba in September. But with the All You Can Jet deal, I could take that flight and pay only $599. I’d save over $300.

(What’s more, I don’t even have to know where I want to go before I buy. I can buy now and schedule later so long as I book my trips three days before I want to leave.)

Note: You have to sign up for Jet Blue’s True Blue points program first, which is free to join. And you have to sign up for the All You Can Jet deal before this Friday, August 21 if you want to take advantage of it.

[EDITOR’S NOTE: JetBlue ran this promotion in 2010, too.  Keep an eye out each late summer/early fall to see if they do it again!]

Let me know if you do and then sell an article or pictures from your trip to travel magazines or stock agencies.

I love hearing reader success stories.

Happy Travels!

— Lori

Lori Allen
Director, Great Escape Publishing

[Editor’s Note: Learn more about opportunities to profit from your travels (and even from your own home) in our free online newsletter The Right Way to Travel.]

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