The South American Explorers Club is a group of travelers with “clubhouses” throughout South America offering travel advice and information, events, and resources to members.

The group’s publication — South American Explorer Magazine — aims to take readers deeper than the average travel guide, delving into history and culture, and inspiring readers to have respect for the places they travel.

Feature articles here span South American destinations and occasionally touch on the Caribbean and other parts of Latin America.

Right now, the magazine does not pay for articles. But if you have a travel story from South America that you’re itching to tell, this is an attractive place to get it published. It’s also a good first clip for your portfolio.

Here are the only requirements for submitting, as taken directly from the Writer’s Guidelines:

“We accept articles with between 700-1,500 words, and require at least 3-4 photos. The deadline for a feature article is one month before the launch date. So January’s edition has a deadline of 1st December for feature articles. If you are interested in our regular features which change monthly, the deadline is also one month beforehand. So to be published in December, you need to send in your work by 1st November.”

You can email your stories to the editor, Lucy Cousins, at:

[EDITOR’S NOTE: Though this magazine doesn’t pay for articles, writing for free can be a good way to build up a clip file you can use to break into paying markets when you’re just starting out.

Learn more about opportunities to profit from your travels (and even from your own home) in our free online newsletter The Right Way to Travel.]

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