Imagine getting paid to simply enjoy your favorite hobby… As someone who has played golf since I was 13 years old, I quickly learned that the nicer the golf course, the steeper the greens fees. But, in 2011, after attending the Ultimate Travel Writer’s Workshop, I discovered a way to play the best courses for free… and get paid to boot. The Ultimate Travel Writer’s Workshop got me thinking about how I could combine travel writing with my life-long passion for golf. Many of the finest hotels and resorts feature exquisite golf courses. Why not make the most of my travel-writing skills, I thought, by writing about these beautiful 18-hole layouts that often accompany four- and five-star hotels? Over the past decade, I’ve grown increasing fond of Caribbean travel. Three years ago, in anticipation of a trip to Anguilla, I contacted the golf professional on the island about writing an article on her and her golf course. Anguilla is a truly scenic Caribbean island with 33 pristine beaches hugging its 17 miles of coastline. It struck me that a story about the golf pro’s island adventures could be a captivating read for her college alumni. So I queried the editor of the golf pro’s college alumni magazine. Since my query landed in the editor’s inbox during the dead of winter, I believe the timing of my “living the Caribbean dream” story was perfect. In addition to sharing several tantalizing island facts in my query, I provided photos of the golf pro with the Caribbean Sea as a backdrop. The editor asked me a question that made me freeze: how much was I seeking for my article and photos? Not knowing the best way to answer, I said, “I trust you’ll pay me the same as other comparable articles.” She replied that I would receive a check for $1,000. $1,000 for just one travel writing gig! Two months ago, my wife and I returned to Anguilla. Prior to our trip, I learned that this same golf course now has a different golf professional. I contacted the editor of the new golf pro’s small college alumni magazine with a fresh take on someone living the island life. The college editor agreed to pay me $100 for my graduate success story. Whether I’m compensated $1,000 or $100, it’s nice to know that travel writing is my ticket to playing some of the most beautiful golf courses in the world for free. Share on Facebook [Editor’s Note: Learn more about opportunities to profit from your travels (and even from your own home) in our free online newsletter The Right Way to Travel. Sign up today here and we’ll send you a report, Get Paid to Travel as a Travel Writer, completely FREE.]

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