Recent studies show that the more you think about something that happened in the past, the less accurate your memory is of that event. 

Turns out, each time you think back on something, your brain re-creates it from scratch, changing tiny pieces of it along the way.

So a memory that you never think about until years later is likely more accurate than the one you always think back on.

Since our brains like to play tricks on us, it’s a good idea not to rely on memory alone when you sit down to write a travel article. Capture details and facts in a notebook or a voice recorder.

Or, send an email in the future to yourself. is a free site that lets you send emails into the future. Just enter your email address and a send date, and write yourself a note. You can send messages to yourself while you’re traveling and schedule them for a week after you get home, so your in-box isn’t crowded with information until you need it.

You could even use it to remember fun things that happen throughout life. Say the day your grandson says his first word, you type yourself a note and describe how it happened. Set it to send two years in the future. Then, in two years, you can open up your message and re-live the moment.

Tomorrow I’ll give you another cool travel tip that lets you see into the future to snag cheap flights.

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