We’ve been fed an incredible myth that children learn new languages faster than adults.  In reality, the opposite is true, and we’re aiming to prove that in the 50,000 People Project.

If you haven’t yet signed up to help us test our new theories on language learning – to help you speak Spanish with confidence in record time — you can do so here.

Children are thought to be better language learners for two reasons:

  1. They’re better at mimicking native pronunciation. 
  2. They don’t need a large vocabulary to appear fluent.  When they speak with ease and great pronunciation, you think they’re fluent and you don’t question how many words they actually know.

Sixty-five percent of the written English language is just 300 words, and the same is true in languages around the world.  Kids can learn these 300 words in a short time.  And adults can learn them even faster.

Adults have other advantages, too.

Adults are better at recognizing patterns. And, when it comes to learning Spanish with an already-advanced English vocabulary, you’ll see that patterns can help you learn hundreds of the most common Spanish words in a single afternoon.

Patterns like “-or” words.

-or words in English are the same in Spanish.  They’re just pronounced differently.  Doctor, doctor.

And the same is true of –al words.  Animal, animal.

Patterns like this can help you build a Spanish vocabulary in record time.  You already know how to say: doctor, color, motor, and factor.  You also know animal, hospital, festival, cereal, fatal, natural, and dental.

I have a few other tricks up my sleeve but I need your help to prove that approaching new languages this way works.

How can you help?

You can help by volunteering to let me test these theories on you.  I’m so confident these methods work, I’m going to prove they work on 50,000 people.

Join the project, and you’ll quickly see how fast and fun learning Spanish can be.

What’s more, if I’m right and these methods work, we’ll publish them in a new Spanish-language program that you’ll have helped create.

Find out more, here.

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[Editor’s Note: According to a study published in the journal of Neurology, speaking more than one language is thought to lead to better development of the areas of the brain that handle executive functions and attention tasks, which helps protect from the onset of dementia. In their studies, they found that people who spoke two languages staved off dementia for a full four and a half years later than those who spoke just one. That’s pretty incredible. Join the 50,000 Project here and sign up to learn a language in a new and fun way.]

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