3 Tips For Creating Starbursts On A Twilight Photo Shoot
Twilight, when the skies are cobalt blue, is one of my favorite times to photograph. Images taken at twilight acquire a richness of color not present during the day, and the surrounding darkness can often hide ugly elements like garbage cans or power lines. To add an...
3 Keys To Better Street Photography
When I first started photography, I was inspired by the street shots of masters like Cartier-Bresson and W. Eugene Smith. I wanted to tell stories of places and capture fleeting moments. But like many beginners, I stuck to shooting easy subjects: Nature, landscapes,...
Instantly Improve Your Photo By Applying The Rule Of Thirds
Have you “given someone the cold shoulder” lately? These days, Millennials call it “ghosting.” But the original “cold shoulder” expression comes from a social custom in medieval England whereby hosts would literally give an overstaying guest a cold cut of meat to let...
How One Woman Went From Teacher to Travel Writer in a Matter of Weeks
As a language arts teacher, I loved helping my students craft their writing. During one mini-lesson, I was teaching using a journal entry from a trip I had taken the previous year. The lesson was meant to show my students how to write using sensory language. Teachers...
Use Your Interests to Position Yourself as a Niche Travel Expert
Do what you love, and the money will follow. How many times have we heard this time-worn adage? It’s true that many have successfully followed their dreams of becoming a freelance travel writer, but did you know that you can make that happen even faster and more...