3 Tips For Creating Starbursts On A Twilight Photo Shoot

Twilight, when the skies are cobalt blue, is one of my favorite times to photograph. Images taken at twilight acquire a richness of color not present during the day, and the surrounding darkness can often hide ugly elements like garbage cans or power lines. To add an...

4 Ways For Photographers To Approach The Creative Process

I am fascinated by the creative process. I want to understand it so that I can be creative myself and share my knowledge with others. In my quest to better understand creativity, I recently signed up for an online drawing class. I’m hoping to learn what other visual...
Capturing Holiday Lights For Stunning Seasonal Images

Capturing Holiday Lights For Stunning Seasonal Images

As a travel photographer, I always try to portray my subjects in the best possible light. Travel photographs, after all, are used to sell an idea—a perfect moment in time. There is therefore little room for gray skies, unhappy faces, or trash strewn about. Although...
Adding Blur To Your Photos (Great For Moving Water)

Adding Blur To Your Photos (Great For Moving Water)

As I showed in my article yesterday, implying the passage of time in a photograph by blurring it can make the image unique and help it tell a story. Yesterday’s photo was a group of cyclists streaking by on a street in Hanoi, Vietnam. For moving objects, like cars,...
Blurring A Photo For Dramatic Effect (And More Sales)

Blurring A Photo For Dramatic Effect (And More Sales)

“Oops!” “Darn it!” “Missed another one.” These are some of the things I was saying to myself as I was trying to get a decent shot of fast-moving traffic in downtown Hanoi. I was fascinated by the variety of vehicles streaking past me, from conventional cars to motor...

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