From Avocado Toast To Almond Milk: Photographing Current Trends
Once you get a few photos up for sale in stock agencies (get your start here), you can boost your income by photographing current trends. Like avocado toast. Which, if you’re not familiar with it, is toast with avocado spread on it. It’s a big trend among...
When Taking Photos To Sell, Keep It Simple Like This…
I tend to over-complicate things sometimes. When someone says, “Let’s have a picnic,” I can’t just bring cheese. It must be an obscure French sheep cheese to pair with black cherry preserves, for example. But when it comes to taking photos to sell in online stock...
How To Submit Your Phone Photos To Stock Sites In 5 Minutes
Are you reading this in the bathroom right now? According to, nearly 90% of Verizon users owned up to using their phones in the bathroom. And a number of surveys across carriers report the same thing. Wherever you use your phone... from the local café to...
How My Photo-Editing Skills Rescued These Old Photos
As I’ve been working to increase my stock photo portfolios this year, I thought I would look over some of my old photos to see if there were any I could add. When I finally got around to it, I couldn’t believe how much potential stock I had just sitting on my hard...
How A Healthy Dose Of Competition Can Help You Switch To Travel Writing
Wheezing slightly and wanting to stop, I was running faster than I ever had... and still coming in dead last. Bonnie, here, with two lessons I learned (the hard way) while running a relay... that completely apply to your travel writing... First, I told myself that...