How To Choose Photos That Sell Well As Stock

If your friends have ever looked at your photos and said, “you should sell these!” … then I have just the place to start – online stock agencies.

 I gave you a few of my favorite agencies for beginners yesterday – see those here. Now that you know where to...
Tips For Selling Your Photos As Stock

Tips For Selling Your Photos As Stock

If you’ve ever thought about selling your photos, but have no idea where to start, try online stock agencies. Some of my favorites are,, and (now owned by Getty Images). These sites are excellent for beginners – and anyone...
How To Get A Much Better Photo (You Can Sell)

How To Get A Much Better Photo (You Can Sell)

Distractions turn great photos into snapshots. I’m talking about little distractions in the form of fences, people, trash cans, litter, brightly-colored signs, branches, power lines, and anything else that distracts your viewer’s eye away from your main subject.

5 Fall Photo Themes You Should Be Capturing Right Now

5 Fall Photo Themes You Should Be Capturing Right Now

Yesterday we talked about winter and holiday photos on your computer that you can sell as stock right now. But any time the seasons change is a great time to head out and take new photos, too. In fact, fall is the biggest buying season for stock agencies. Which means...

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