I just wanted to shoot you a quick email to let you know that graphic design expert Lori Haller has agreed to speak at our upcoming photography workshop in New Orleans, March 13-15, 2009. Lori is a well-sought-after freelance graphic designer (she just finished a project for Oprah!) and she needs a few good photographers to add to her exclusive photo request list – people she can call on to submit quality pictures at a moment’s notice. I agreed to give Lori a list of all our attendees’ names and email addresses in New Orleans in exchange for a presentation from her at the workshop on how to take the kinds of pictures she (and other designers like her) need most. This is great news for you because it means that, in New Orleans this coming March 13-15, 2009, you’ll not only get inside information from one of the best graphic designers in the business… but you’ll also get your name on her photo request list. Whenever Lori needs a photo, she’ll email you and give you the opportunity to submit your work before she considers buying the photo from someone else. “I’d much rather buy from your attendees than I would from some stock site whose photographers I don’t even know,” she told me. So I made the deal. You can meet Lori Haller this March 13-15, 2008 in New Orleans, LA for our second annual, Ultimate Money-Making Photography Workshop. You’ll meet her in New Orleans where you’ll have an opportunity to chat over cocktails and get to put a face to the name.  You’ll hear directly from her what she has to say about the types of photographs that are selling to designers today. And, she’ll put you on her exclusive photo request list so that, every time she needs a photo, she’ll be in touch to give you a crack at it first. With the economy in the dumps, and more companies turning to freelancers than ever before to fill their photography needs, now’s the best time to ramp up your photo skills and turn these tough times into spare cash. — Lori Lori Allen Director, Great Escape Publishing [Editor’s Note: Learn more about how you can turn your pictures into cash in our free online newsletter The Right Way to Travel.  Sign up here today and we’ll send you a new report, Selling Photos for Cash: A Quick-Start Guide, completely FREE.]

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