In Old Delhi, traffic doesn’t stop for monkeys riding bikes, cows pulling carts, or, you know, red lights. Bonnie, here, coming to you on Day One of our India Photo Expedition with professional photographer Efrain Padro. Today we grabbed our cameras and plunged straight into the action, riding bike rickshaws through the colorful commotion of the Old Delhi market. In the labyrinth of tiny streets and side-alleys, you can find anything you want. One street is completely devoted to wedding invitations (and believe me, they don’t look like our invitations back home!). Another is filled with tires and auto parts. Yet another is nothing but beads. The one thing they all have in common is complete and utter CHAOS. From the seat of a bike rickshaw, it’s a lot of fun! Here we are, bravely taking on the craziness: Your first day in any foreign place can be overwhelming, but in Delhi it kind of stuns you. All of your senses are working overtime, and there’s a photo everywhere you point your camera. To give you an idea, here’s the view from my rickshaw: Efrain told us that where there’s a lot going on, it’s best to focus on one thing. So today, we looked for details. It’s a simple tip that I’ve heard  before, but it was perfect in this situation. Shooting details really helps you focus when you could easily get distracted.  And since I’m trying to shoot travel photos I can use for stock, it’s perfect for that, too. Here are a few detail shots I got — with no people in them at all! Notice the contrast between the above shot and these: Tomorrow we’re off to explore some of the ancient palaces, mosques, and temples sprinkled throughout New Delhi. Stay tuned! [Editor’s Note: Learn more about how you can turn your pictures into cash in our free online newsletter The Right Way to Travel.  Sign up here today and we’ll send you a new report, Selling Photos for Cash: A Quick-Start Guide, completely FREE.]

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