The Secret To My $20,000 Stock Photo Success

The Secret To My $20,000 Stock Photo Success

I put this photo in an online stock agency where it was picked up by National Geographic for the cover of one of their magazines. Since then, it has gone on to earn me an upwards of $20,000… What’s the secret to my stock photo success? Well, the upload part was...

4 Ways For Photographers To Approach The Creative Process

I am fascinated by the creative process. I want to understand it so that I can be creative myself and share my knowledge with others. In my quest to better understand creativity, I recently signed up for an online drawing class. I’m hoping to learn what other visual...

5 Great Reasons To Develop Your Photo Skills

5 Great Reasons To Develop Your Photo Skills

When you make the decision to pursue photography, it’s scary and thrilling at the same time. At first, you have so many questions: • Will I be able to do this? • Will people like my photos? • Who am I to think I can suddenly become a photographer? Bonnie, here. I had...

How This Travel Writer Landed A Paid Photo Shoot

Suddenly, I was surrounded by horses. Curious horses. They were interested in my camera, tripod, and me. After they satisfied their curiosity, I got the chance for close-ups of the small herd with the Pacific Ocean in the background. It was May and a glorious spring...

How I’m Selling My Phone Photos As “Cool” Fine Art

How I’m Selling My Phone Photos As “Cool” Fine Art

For the last three years, I’ve been researching and experimenting with various ways to sell my photos as fine art. I’ve printed some onto paper and transferred the images onto tumbled marble, creating a rustic look for hanging or using as coasters. 

I’ve printed on...

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