Efrain Padro here, writing to you from Seville, Spain, on the first day of our photo expedition. I’m happy to report that our photo workshop attendees aren’t listening to a thing I say. We were walking through the magnificent Reales Alcazares today and I was waxing poetic about all subjects photographic. But when I looked behind me, I realized nobody was there. They were all otherwise engaged in what photographers like doing best — taking pictures. One was working on a close-up of some intricate tiling along the wall. Another was practicing “framing” — shooting through an ornate doorway. And another was aiming his camera straight up towards the sky, capturing a shot of the elegant vaulted ceiling. So I did what instructors do. I stopped talking and let the group carry on. There will be time for presentations later, over sangria back on the rooftop of the gorgeous Dona Maria Hotel where we’re staying during this expedition. (Note: Jackie did an amazing job of finding this hotel, by the way. The views couldn’t be more stunning. And if we got any closer to the Cathedral, we would be sleeping on pews.) Visiting a city like Seville can be photographically overwhelming when your feet first hit the ground. There are so many subjects to photograph. I told the group this morning that their first day in any city should be taken in like tapas. First you try photographing a little bit of this. Then a little bit of that. And before you know it you’ve had your fill (and probably more). Here’s the list of photos I told everyone to keep in mind while we were out and about today…

  • First, a few images showing a broad view of the city, sometimes called an establishing shot in the magazine world.
  • Then, detail shots like doors, street lights and close-ups of carved stone on the bridges.
  • Seville is known for its white-washed houses, cool interior patios and narrow, pedestrian-only streets flanked by balconies covered in flowers — all great things to capture with your camera in addition to famous landmarks.
  • And, of course, pictures of people enjoying themselves.

The idea is to return home with a well-rounded collection of images that, together, will give a viewer (or magazine editor) a good idea of what Seville is all about. Tonight, we’re setting up for a twilight shoot of Seville’s Plaza de Espana. And that’s something else I’ll have attendees focus on while we’re here — photos of famous landmarks at different times of the day and from unique views and vantage points. Pictures still to come… [Editor’s Note: Learn more about how you can turn your pictures into cash in our free online newsletter The Right Way to Travel.  Sign up here today and we’ll send you a new report, Selling Photos for Cash: A Quick-Start Guide, completely FREE.]

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