Color psychologists agree: If you want to make a good impression at a job interview, wear blue, gray, or black. Avoid orange.

If you want to make people hungry, use red and yellow.

And if you’d like to keep someone calm, surround them with pink.

Bonnie here, for Day 7 of our Summer Photo Refresh. Today, let’s talk about a colorful way to breathe new life into your photography while also taking some shots you can sell.

Monochromatic photos—that is, photos that use mainly one color and little else—can evoke strong emotions and influence buyers. And, they’re a fun way to change up your photography.

Stock photo buyers are often looking for colors that correspond to their campaigns, or the emotions they’re hoping to influence in readers. The current trend is toward VIBRANT colors, so be on the lookout for anywhere you find those, from food to flowers to painted walls and even clothing.

Next time you get your camera out, look for the following—or create it in your kitchen:

Calming blues

Adding monochromatic photos to your portfolio can set you apart...

Passionate reds

Adding monochromatic photos to your portfolio can set you apart...

Happy yellows

Adding monochromatic photos to your portfolio can set you apart...

Innocent and playful pinks

Adding monochromatic photos to your portfolio can set you apart...

Greens that evoke health and growth

Adding monochromatic photos to your portfolio can set you apart...

Royal and mystical purples

Adding monochromatic photos to your portfolio can set you apart...

Some great places to find monochromatic photos include hotel lobbies, bakeries, farmer’s markets, craft and fabric stores, city streets, flower shops, and, of course, nature.

I hope this inspired you to dust off your camera and get creative today. And I hope you’ll take some new shots you can sell, too.

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[Editor’s Note: Learn more about how you can fund your travels and make an extra income with photography, travel writing, blogging, and more in our free online newsletter The Right Way to Travel. Sign up here today and we’ll send you a new report, Five Fun Ways To Get Paid To Travel: A Quick-Start Guide, completely FREE.]

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