A Different Kind Of Photo Success

When it comes to selling photos, pursuing every possible avenue is a smart idea. Breakfast Stock Club member Amy Muschik recently found this out when she submitted a photo to a company called ImageBrief. ImageBrief is sort of a hybrid stock agency. Photo buyers can...
No More Blur: How To Manage ISO In Your Photos

No More Blur: How To Manage ISO In Your Photos

It’s so cold here in the middle of Alaska, our martini glasses are made of ice! Bonnie, here, coming to you from our Northern Lights Photo Expedition at Chena Hot Springs in Alaska. Chena is home to the largest year-round ice structure… the Aurora Ice Museum,...
How To Shoot Photos Of The Aurora (At -20 Degrees!)

How To Shoot Photos Of The Aurora (At -20 Degrees!)

At 27 degrees below zero, there’s no shame in dressing your camera in a winter coat. Bonnie, here, coming to you from our first-ever Northern Lights Photo Expedition at Chena Hot Springs in the interior of Alaska. It’s so cold here that when you breathe in through...

Three Tips For Stock Photo Success

Congratulations to the Breakfast Stock Club members who’ve recently signed up and been accepted to several stock photo agencies! It’s happening a LOT right now and I love it. Motivation is fleeting. If you need some quick tips to get you going, check out our...

Breakfast Stock Club Goals Check-in

It’s April… and 2017 is 25% gone! If you set some goals for the year back in January, now’s a good time to pull them back out and have a look. How are you doing on them? What steps are you making towards them? My goals for 2017 are pretty simple: Build up a...

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