Beating Self-Doubt As A New Travel Writer

My life is a vivid contrast to 10 years ago. I’ve relocated my home, more than doubled my network of friends and business associates, resurrected some long-forgotten hobbies, and I’ve become a travel writer. For years, I tamped down thoughts of writing for income. My...

This Travel Writing Network Has Helped Me Reach 40 Bylines

I’ve always been an adventurer, seeking out challenges and journaling stories about my life experiences. So, with a college degree and the life experiences of a 24-year old farm girl, I scurried to the big city of Dallas, Texas, where I started a corporate job with a...

How To Change Up Your Routine As A Travel Writer

The college campus stirred in the early morning hours as we assembled for the day’s lessons. The routine of lectures, course assignments, and tests had become predictable. Even the route—from the parking lot, between the buildings, and down the hall to a room with...

Get Started In Travel Writing With These 3 Tips

I’m that friend who wants to hear every detail of your latest vacation. Got photos? Bring them over and let me take a closer look.  Journaling about my travels is second nature—a habit I formed during childhood. Travel writing, however, seemed to be that puzzle piece...

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