How one lightning photo earned me $7,000

Who knew that one of the very first lightning photographs I ever took would change my life? In fact, it was the image that launched my career. And it remains one of the single, highest-grossing images in my portfolio, continuing to deliver profit, foster confidence,...
The biggest mistake of my photography career

The biggest mistake of my photography career

Most photographers will NEVER admit their mistakes, let alone broadcast them. However, I’m shameless when it comes to confessing mine if it means saving someone else time and headaches. My mistake? Thinking all photo-editing programs are created equal! As a...
Pro Photographer’s Top Tips For Capturing Action Shots

Pro Photographer’s Top Tips For Capturing Action Shots

It seemed like the day had just begun when BAM we’re at the local watering hole surrounded by lions!  What happened next could only be dreamt of or found in a NatGeo special. As all our cars watched in awe, an unsuspecting warthog trotted up to the water to take a...

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