In demand this week: 4th of July themed photos

Seasonal photos are always in demand on stock photo websites. And when it comes to selling your photos as stock, the simpler the better. Take a look at these 4th of July themed photos that Breakfast Stock Club Premium member, Theresa St.John, is selling in stock sites...

Watch this video; become a travel writer

People always ask us, “How many people come to your live events and then really find success as a travel writer?” In order to answer, I followed up with 12 of our past workshop attendees to see where they went last year and what they’ve done with the skills they...

Write an Article that Sells with a Good Nut graph

For many folks, it’s not what their writing that’s a problem. It’s what they’re not writing. The nut graph. (That is, the “nut” or “core” paragraph.) The nut graph is the paragraph in your story that delivers to readers the main point of the story. As Jen...

How to write a catchy lead

If you want to remember how to write a catchy lead, just make a note of this quote: “Move the monkeys to the top.” That’s the advice Travel Editor, Kyle Wagner, gave one of our participants in Seoul, South Korea earlier this month when we were traveling with her on a...

How to guest blog: 6 easy tips

There are 152 million bloggers online today. And the one thing the most successful ones have in common – aside from their $100,000 to $200,000 incomes – is that they all spend a decent amount of time promoting their blog on other websites. By reaching out to other...

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