How the Alibaba IPO could help your business

Alibaba Group in China may be sitting on one of the largest Initial Public Offerings (IPO) in history. I’ve written about Alibaba many times. My focus in writing about the company is the import/export platform they built. You can see it at This platform...

How to find top selling products online

If you can identify high-demand products, and you have a way of acquiring these products at a deep discount, you could make a fortune selling them. Here I’ll show you some neat tricks for identifying the top selling products online. The “buy low, sell high” formula...

An Import Export Market Opportunity… from Your iPhone

Entrepreneurs around the world are running this business from a smartphone. Granted, running the business from a laptop is probably more practical. But if you have access to a Wi-Fi or cell signal, you can do it through your smartphone. And believe it or not this...

Import/Export: Becoming a Kitchen Table Entrepreneur

Manuel Szulanski is a high school track and field coach in Argentina.  A couple years ago, Manuel had an idea for a small business, selling novelty and gift ideas with school and business names on them.  But it was hard to find local companies that could supply the...

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