To Write The Best Blog Posts, Tap Into Your Own Creativity

One of the most common pieces of advice within the blogging industry is to ask your audience what they’d like you to write about… and then write it. But I couldn’t disagree more. Here’s why: Let’s assume you’re a travel blogger who focuses on European destinations....

3 Reasons To Love Being A Full-Time Blogger

Okay, I have a confession: I used to think that blogging lacked prestige. I thought that getting my byline in some big, nationally-renowned publication like a print newspaper or magazine would be far more impressive than creating a blog on the internet. Boy, was I...
How to grow an audience to your blog

How to grow an audience to your blog

Pop quiz: What do the following pairs have in common? Comedians Stephen Colbert and Jimmy Fallon. The Beatles and TV host Ed Sullivan. Or more recently, Kenny G and Katy Perry. Any guesses? These artists and entertainers are each famous in their own right. But they...

How to write blog posts that are interesting

As you prepare to launch your blog, you’ll want to be certain that the subjects you present for your readers are topics they will enjoy reading about. Yes, you want to write on themes that are fun and interesting for you, too. But so many new bloggers make the...

Three tips for writing blog posts

One of the questions I get asked the most from those starting out in the blogosphere is how often they should be writing blog posts. If you have the time to blog a few times a week – and can make a newsworthy post each time — then go for it. But even if you can...

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