Work The Shot: 8 Tips For A Successful Photo Shoot

When you’re working on a travel article, it’s always a good idea to take some photos to go along with your writing.  Editors love being handed a polished piece, complete with interesting images that help tell the story. If the idea of taking publication-worthy photos...

How To Take Real Stock Photos This Valentine’s Day

Search for “Valentine’s Day” on pretty much any stock photo website, and you’ll likely be inundated with hearts, candy, red wine, and couples smiling at each other in a staged, cheesy sort of way. Clicking through page after page of these types of photos gets...

Winter Photography: Tips For Shooting In The Cold

One of my favorite times of the year to photograph is winter. I love how a fresh dusting of snow can transform a landscape overnight, and I also love the quality of light during the colder months. Even though the winter season brings so many unique opportunities for...
Abstract Photography: Finding Beauty In The Mundane

Abstract Photography: Finding Beauty In The Mundane

As a photographer, you have the ability to document the world around you. But you can also do so much more… You have the power to transform something ugly or mundane into truly beautiful art. Whether you’re looking at a pile of rusty metal, a rundown shed...

Take Unique Photos: Tips To Keep Your Photos Fresh

As a photographer, it’s important to keep things fresh and creative. Yet, it’s so easy to inadvertently fall into a rut and start shooting everything the same way out of habit. One way to approach your art with fresh eyes—so you continue to take unique photos—is to...

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