5 Ways To Get Writing About Local Travel Experiences

Social media can be depressing, right? Everyone seems to post travel photos from far-flung exotic locales. Scroll down your Instagram, Twitter or Facebook feed any time of day. Go ahead. You’ll find images of the 18th-century sculpted Trevi Fountain in Italy, the...

7 Ways Anyone Can Make Money From Photography

I’ve loved taking pictures since I was a little kid, following dad around with my brand-spankin’ new Brownie. I adored that camera! But never once did I think I could make money from photography. Then, in 2013, I attended Great Escape Publishing’s Ultimate...

How Becoming A Travel Writer Has Changed My Life

I never cared for the expression: “Milk it for all it’s worth.” I thought it was a cringe-worthy saying that sounded selfish—even rude. However, after some big transitions in my life, I began to interpret those words in a different, more meaningful way… and it’s...

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