Tips for rain storm photography

I can’t argue that beautiful sunny days and deep blue cloudless skies are great, especially when you’re on a break by the beach. But when it comes to photography, this kind of weather usually offers challenging conditions. The harsh light from the sun bleaches colors...

Using sun flare photography at sunset

Sunset shooting is my favorite.  I like to catch the golden hour and people in their playful time! In photography, lighting and emotion in a picture are key. Lighting creates emotion. And so does the way we use our settings! Shooting into the sun, it’s best to be in...

How to create the starburst effect in your photos

In photography, simple techniques and tweaks in your camera settings can create a big impact and make your images stand out. For example, we all know that opening up the aperture to the widest possible would produce a lovely bokeh effect that we all love (where the...

Tulip photos sell to stock agencies

My best-selling stock photo is the result of a playful accident. You may have seen it before. It’s one I took a few years back in a tulip field near Portland.  Here it is: It was overcast that day. And white or gray skies in photos tend to be boring and make your...

Tiffany Blue and color in photography

“There’s turquoise in those hills,” our driver told us as he pointed to the right. Tiffany & Co., the jewelry company, used to have a mine here in New Mexico. The stones they found inspired the color on their jewelry boxes. Today is our second day here in Santa...

Have you tried photo editing with Instagram?

Photo-editing is taking the world by storm… In fact, Facebook just recently bought Instagram, a booming photo-editing social media outlet, for $1 billion. If you’re not familiar with Instagram, it’s a program for smart phones that allows you to take a picture, slap a...

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