How to take a magazine cover shot

The most coveted photo among editorial photographers is the cover shot. It commands the highest fee in a magazine and offers the most exposure to the photographer. To take a saleable cover shot, you have to think about it in a special way. Here’s a little quiz, to...

How to Sell Hometown Photos to Magazines

Now more than ever, at a time when magazines do not have the budgets to send out-of-town photographers on assignment to Your Town, USA, it is important that you have good photographic coverage of your area. After all, no matter how good an out-of-town photographer...

Setting Up a Successful Boudoir Photo Shoot

Deborah’s “job” requires her to sip champagne, sample chocolates, laugh, play, and get creative. If you missed her interview about being a boudoir photographer yesterday, you can find it here. Today, Deborah shares a few tips for helping your model feel at ease when...

Tips for Getting Started in Boudoir Photography

A “boudoir” is a lady’s personal sitting or dressing room. Literally translated from French, it’s a “place for pouting.” Oh, those French. But today the word “boudoir” can mean a lot more for photographers. It’s a photo niche that’s more and more popular among women...

How to Pose and Photograph Newborns

Newborn babies don’t care if you take their photo. And once they’re fed, you can move their little arms and legs into a number of cute poses to snap photos while they snooze away, looking adorable. Newborn photographer Jolie Molino knows how to deal with every newborn...

New Video: How to Set Up a Backyard Studio

I made a special video for Breakfast Stock Club Premium members recently that I’d like to share with you too. Most of us don’t have the luxury of taking photos in a fancy professional studio. However, with nothing but a table, some white poster board, and...

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