by Great Escape Publishing | Sep 30, 2018
“If you’re always trying to be normal, you’ll never know how amazing you can be.” –Maya Angelou Host, Jody Maberry brings Kathy Sindorf back to the show. Kathy is a university professor. She’s traveled the world as a television producer and reporter and she’s co-lead... by Bonnie Caton | Aug 9, 2018
Light writing is like unwrapping a gift every time you shoot. You never know exactly how the photo will look until after you take the shot – it’s a surprise every time! If you’re looking to add some creativity and fun to your photography, or simply try something new,...
by Shelly Perry | Jul 20, 2018
One of the most powerful photography techniques to learn is selective focus. It makes your photos look more intentional, more professional, and lends impact, directing the viewer’s eye. What is Selective Focus? Selective focus is basically what it sounds like. You...
by Great Escape Publishing | Feb 4, 2018
“Don’t tell people your dreams. Show them.” – Anonymous Great Escape Radio host, Jody Maberry, talks with Great Escape Publishing Photographer and Instructor, Bonnie Caton. Bonnie has been working on a new project for us called the $10K Photo Power Hour. “In the... by Bonnie Caton | Nov 24, 2017
The trick to making money with your photography is knowing what sells and where to sell it. With stock photography, you don’t have to worry about the where. Stock agencies take care of that part for you. But it definitely helps to know about photos that sell. When we... by Efrain Padro | Nov 23, 2017
PHOTOGRAPHING MOVING WATER USING DIFFERENT SHUTTER SPEEDS By Efraín M. Padró in Santa Fe, New Mexico One of the photo subjects I enjoy most is moving water. I love the ability to control what the water looks like by simply changing my camera’s shutter speed. A fast...