For more information on how you can find success with travel writing, like Noreen, check out the Travel Writer’s Café, here:

“We have a big beautiful world out there. If you can, go experience it.  If you can’t, live it through my stories.” – Noreen Kompanik

On this week’s episode, you’ll hear from Great Escape Publishing travel writing success story – Noreen Kompanik, and how she’s had more than 100 articles published in less than two years.

Noreen attended the Ultimate Travel Writer’s Workshop in San Diego in 2014. She is a career nurse and was looking for something to transition into when she retires. She went as the guest of a friend who talked her into attending. She knew on day one that she had found something she could transition into as a second career. She knew the instructors were talking to her. The opportunity to be able to travel and write stories about that travel was something that just spoke to her.

She followed the 10-day success plan given to the attendees at the live workshop. It worked for her and she got her first article published. Then she just kept repeating that success plan. Today – in less than two years – she has had over 125 articles published.

She shares some advice for writers just starting out…

***Start by taking a travel-writing course. The experts have done the work for you of laying out a road map to success. Follow it and you will have success.

***Start local. No one knows your hometown better than you. Pick up magazines at the doctor’s office, find local publications, reach out to the editors and pitch story ideas. Share stories about what you like to do, your favorite restaurants, etc. Starting local makes it easier to transition.

Because Noreen has had such great success in such a short amount of time, she wants to pay it forward. She’s heading up a new and exciting program for Great Escape Publishing – the Travel Writer’s Café- to help others follow in her footsteps.

“I’m very excited to be launching this new program with Great Escape Publishing. Travel Writer’s Café is designed as a community for beginning writers where experienced writers and editors will take members along on a journey, give them a roadmap and then issue a challenge.”

Great Escape Publishing Director, Lori Allen shares more information on the new Travel Writer’s Café…

“The Travel Writer’s Café will give members a community in which they can learn from other successful writers. We’ll give them a roadmap and help them navigate from ground zero to getting 100 bylines.

Past workshop attendees who have had more than 100 bylines like Noreen, Theresa St. John, Patti Morrow and Terri Marshall, will be opening up their businesses, and sharing what has worked for them.

Both Patti and Terri started travel writing while they had a full-time career. And both have now transitioned to being full-time travel writers.

We’ll also bring editors into the fold to show members how to find stories. And we’ll teach them how to work smarter not harder on their path to 100 bylines.”

For more information on how you can find success with travel writing, like Noreen, check out the Travel Writer’s Café, here:

Please note: The above link will be open until the end of August. For anyone listening after August, sign up for the Great Escape Publishing newsletter here to watch for the next opening for members.

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