For more about how you can get started with travel writing today, visit:

“At the end of their lives, people don’t regret the things they’ve done, they regret the things they haven’t done.” – Patti Morrow

In this episode we meet our member turned successful travel writer, Patti Morrow.

Patti attended the Ultimate Travel Writer’s Workshop in Chicago back in 2011. She loves to travel and initially was looking for a way to fund her travels. What she found was a new career.

GEP Director Lori Allen says, “Patti is a former lobbyist turned travel writer. She’s one of my Facebook friends and I love watching her news feed about all the places she goes and the things she does.

Patti freelances for several publications but she also has a blog – Luggage and Lipstick. Don’t let the name fool you – it’s a great blog for women AND for men. Patti’s travels and adventures are inspiring to everyone.”

Patti shares her story about her transition from lobbyist to fulltime travel writer and all of the amazing places she been in the last five years because of it.

She says she will travel anyway she can, but one of her favorite ways to travel is solo. She has written the book Girls Go Solo to share safety tips for other women who want to travel alone too.

Some of those tips are…

***Keep your wits about you and be aware of your surroundings

***Always use the deadbolt locks in your hotel room

***Dress like the locals

***Take along a matchbook or something from the hotel so that you have the hotel name with you

***Take along a fake wedding band to ward off unwelcome advances

Patti enjoys all of her travel writing but she really likes writing for her Luggage and Lipstick blog – it’s a place where she can show more of her personality.

“I’m a girly girl that likes to wear makeup and dress up – but I’m also an adrenaline junkie. My blog lets me express that about my personality – it’s fun!”

Patti offers this advice for anyone thinking about getting into travel writing…

“If you have an inclination to get into travel writing, I highly recommend attending a Great Escape Publishing Workshop. The instructors will give you all the tools you need to get started. Once you have all the tools, get out there and get started. Start where you live, start small and set goals. And like Nike says… Just Do It!”

For more inspiration from travel writers like Patti, subscribe to Great Escape Radio on iTunes here. In episode 17, you’ll hear John Betchel’s entertaining story about how he got started with travel writing and in episode 18, Noreen Kompanik shares her secrets to success. Please share that link with others who might enjoy this resource too!

For more about how you can get started with travel writing today, visit:

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