For more advice on how you can get started with photography, visit:

And for more advice on how you can get started with travel writing, visit:

“Publishing a story about the tree in my front yard is proof that you can find a story anywhere.” – Amy Muschik

On this episode, we meet one of our members, Amy Muschik, who is both a travel writer and photographer.

Director Lori Allen explains, “When we started our travel writing and photography programs several years ago… most writers weren’t photographers. Things are new and different today. Travel writers are photographers and photographers are travel writers. Amy is both – an excellent photographer and a travel writer. She sells her photos to stock agencies, magazines and has even had success by entering photo contests.”

Amy discusses how she has found success with travel writing and photography by starting locally. One of her favorite articles that she’s written was about a tree in her own front yard… and the first photo contest she ever won was with a picture of her dogs at home.

She believes starting locally is especially helpful because you have less competition and you are more familiar with the subjects you are photographing and writing about.

When you’re getting started with photography, Amy offers this advice…

***Get your camera out there – take it with you everywhere you go. Then study the photos you take to see what you did well and what you could do better.

***Go through magazines and see what photos you like – keep track of the trends then go out and put your own spin on it

And of taking photos for your travel articles, she says, “When you are writing a travel article it’s important to get the right photos so that you can build a scrapbook around your story. Take your overview shot, but also take plenty of detailed shots – that will complete your scrapbook.”

For more advice on how you can get started with photography, visit:

And for more advice on how you can get started with travel writing, visit:

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