For more on how you can get started with photography today, visit: /start/photography.

“Talking behind the scenes isn’t the secret to success – doing something is.” — Lori Allen

In this episode, Lori Allen gives her thoughts on fabulous photographer and our workshop instructor, Bonnie Caton.

“It would be hard to find a better photography teacher than Bonnie,” says Lori. “She has only been doing photography for about five years or so, but she’s always been a good at teaching – and just keeps getting better.”

Our workshop attendees love Bonnie because she understands what it is like to be a beginner, to feel intimidated by a camera and what to photograph.

As Lori points out, “Everything she learned has come from our instructors and programs. Bonnie is still growing and is excellent at taking others along with her – down the travel photography path.”

In a clip from Bonnie’s presentation at our annual Ultimate Photography Workshop this past spring, you’ll learn about her journey from scaredy cat procrastinator to successful photographer.

It took her several years to really start selling her photos, but once she threw herself into it, she was off and running.

Bonnie recalls, “As friends began noticing my photography they started asking me to take photos. They wanted headshots, family photos, and other shots. Then a friend’s mother contacted me to do photos for a big event. She wanted headshots, group shots, action shots, and a number of other photos. I accepted the assignment, hung up the phone and thought ‘holy crap’ what am I going to do!”

But that gig was successful, despite her fears, and it led to more gigs, which led to even more gigs.

In 2014, she almost made it to her goal of $10k in photography revenue. And with some more hard work in 2015, she surpassed a goal of $12k in photography revenue.

Here are some things Bonnie did to keep her photography business growing as she was starting out:

***She registered her business and put up a website

***She started taking herself seriously

***She began introducing herself as a photographer (even though she had another job)

***She created a calendar and put a monetary goal at the top

***She began tracking her progress

In the last couple years, her initial ideas about the kind of photography business she wanted have changed. She’s now found a niche she really likes.

“I started out thinking I wanted to do something really deep – like family documentaries. But it turns out that I really like taking headshots. I love making people feel good about how they look – it’s become my thing.”

Bonnie is just one more story about the success that comes from pushing past the fear and being open to new paths when they come your way.

For more on how you can get started with photography today, visit: /start/photography.

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