“We live in this culture where we’re told we have to get in line, follow the rules and get a safe job. But if you are an artist on the inside, you have to push past the naysayers and overcome those road blocks to find success.” – Bonnie Caton

Host Jody Maberry talks with Breakfast Stock Club Creator, Bonnie Caton in this episode.

Bonnie previously joined Jody on Great Escape Radio to introduce listeners to stock photography. You can listen to that episode and get more details on stock here

This week she gives us a few more reasons about why stock photography is such a great place to start selling your photos and highlights some current saleable stock trends online…

She also shares her theory of the underdog and why she started the Breakfast Stock Club –

“We go through life in this culture where we idolize people like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs – the innovators, the doers who go out and take risks. But in our daily lives when we tell people we’re going to become a writer, photographer or lead tours, people question us. There’s a lot of negativity to overcome.”

We are all about the underdog – taking beginners and teaching them how to make a living as a writer or photographer without following the old rules that required years of experience or a formal education.

Bonnie started the Breakfast Stock Club several years ago as a way to log her stock photography progress and let other members know what was working and selling for her. The first goal was to help members make $20 in stock photo sales every week — enough to pay for a nice breakfast out. Hence the name — The Breakfast Stock Club. And more than a few members have earned those breakfast meal tickets (and more) since it began.

There’s also a premium version of the Breakfast Stock Club, for people who really want to ramp up their stock success. Members get an exclusive “Roadmap” guide written by a professional stock photographer on a popular stock topic each month, which is accompanied by a photo challenge. At the end of each challenge, they get photo reviews and photo editing lessons online to improve their shots.

They also get access to an online library of all the previous months’ Roadmap guides – currently at over 60- and loads of bonus guides and learning materials.

It’s approachable for beginners as well as experienced photographers and because it’s all online, can be accessed easily anywhere there’s a computer with an internet connection.

If you’re interested in joining in on the fun, you can get a sneak peek at everything membership includes during a special Breakfast Stock Club Open House here: http://www.thephotographerslife.com/bsc/pod/.

Listen to a new podcast every Sunday in iTunes by subscribing for free here.

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