“Sitting on the red sand dunes in Namibia and watching the sun come up, it almost feels like you shouldn’t be allowed to see something so beautiful – it’s that amazing.” – Lori Allen

To learn more about the workshops and expeditions offered by us go to /menu/?type=event and check out the events listed.

Host, Jody Mayberry, talks with Director, Lori Allen, about the amazing live events we offers.

“There’s a difference between education and training,” explains Lori. “Education is what you get when you read a book. Training is what you get when you are actively doing whatever it is you’re learning and someone is there to provide feedback.”

The home study programs offered by us will give you the education you need to get started in travel writing or photography. But the live workshops and expeditions will give you the training you need to excel.

With feedback you learn faster, differently and your skill improves immensely.

We offer a number of live events each year. Some are in the USA and others are in exotic international destinations. And there’s a difference between the workshops offered and the expeditions.

Lori explains…

“Workshops are exactly what they sound like. We get a hotel conference room, bring a group of instructors in and a large group of participants and we hunker down and work on stuff. Typically, there will be three days of listening to presentations and on one of those days the participants will go out into the field to either take photos or to find a story to write – depending on whether it’s a photography or travel writing workshop. And we give them feedback in small groups to improve their skills.”

Expeditions are exactly what they sound like, too…

“On an expedition, we get in a jeep or on a train and we go someplace. We’re in the field the vast majority of the day: waking up at sunrise for the perfect photos or finding the right time of day to capture the light in a particular destinations. Expeditions are smaller, usually about 9 participants or possibly up to 16 for places like Tanzania where we’ll rent out an entire camp.”

Traveling on an expedition with us means experiencing things like the Yi Peng Festival of Lanterns in Thailand, or the Hot Air Balloon Festival in New Mexico.

When you travel with us on an expedition you can expect these things…


***Time to play

***Learning or improving your skills

***Expect to be amazed

As Lori says…

“The world is covered with these amazing and beautiful places and events and experiences and if you go with your camera, it feels like you’re playing.”

Our expeditions are different than typical photo safaris for several reasons…

***Beginners are welcome

***It’s not a tour, you will actually experience unique events

***You’ll learn how to sell the photos you take

To learn more about the workshops and expeditions offered by us go to /menu/?type=event and check out the events listed.

TIP: These events sell out quickly. It’s best to add your name to the workshop alert list on that page to get upcoming event announcements.

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