For more on how you can get started with photography today, visit: /start/photography.

“All success is built on failure. So go fail – screw it up!” -Wayne Hoover

One of our members, Wayne Hoover didn’t set out to become a photographer. In fact, he originally wanted to try travel writing, but one of our one-day photography workshop set a new career in motion for him.

And in the last year, he’s had so much success with his photography business that he returned to our recent photo workshop to present his story on our success panel.

As Wayne says…

“Remember when you were in kindergarten and they gave you crayons and told you to start coloring. Color anything you want, they said…there’s no right or wrong. You were thrilled. But then as you got older they gave you an algebra book, told you to grow up and get prepared to climb the ladder of success. But then when you get to be about 40 or 50, you realize that ladder is on the wrong wall. Someone comes in and says they are replacing you with a 20-something worker – who is cheaper. And you start trying to find a way to get your crayons back.”

Wayne’s story is motivational for anyone hoping to move away from a 9-5 desk job and start earning an income doing something they love.

Wayne and his wife own an interior design business. His wife was frustrated with trying to find quality artwork to complete her interior design projects. So, when a client requested to have his family’s life story photographed on a 22 foot wall in his home. Wayne accepted the challenge.

He photographed the spot where the client had proposed to his wife, the church they were married in, their son’s birth, his high school and many other places of nostalgia. He put the photos on a 2×3 canvas and sold it for $2500. And the rest is history…

You can hear more about Wayne’s story in this week’s broadcast…

For more on how you can get started with photography today, visit: /start/photography.

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