Tips For Taking Seasonal Photos That Sell This Summer

Tips For Taking Seasonal Photos That Sell This Summer

With the 4th of July holiday just two days away, there are TONS of opportunities for taking new seasonal photos that sell. Get your camera ready, and bring it with you to family gatherings, picnics, barbecues, and all that summer has to offer. Here are a few ideas to...

Best Camera To Use When Taking Photos You Want To Sell

There are so many different places to sell your photos – even as a beginner. But a lot of folks say that they don’t like to lug around a huge, heavy camera.

I hear you! 
Bonnie here, again. I mentioned over the last few days that you can use your phone to take stock...

When Taking Photos To Sell, Keep It Simple Like This…

When Taking Photos To Sell, Keep It Simple Like This…

I tend to over-complicate things sometimes. When someone says, “Let’s have a picnic,” I can’t just bring cheese. It must be an obscure French sheep cheese to pair with black cherry preserves, for example. 

But when it comes to taking photos to sell in online stock...

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