How To Submit Your Phone Photos To Stock Sites In 5 Minutes

Are you reading this in the bathroom right now? 

According to Time.com, nearly 90% of Verizon users owned up to using their phones in the bathroom. And a number of surveys across carriers report the same thing. 

Wherever you use your phone... from the local café to...

How My Photo-Editing Skills Rescued These Old Photos

How My Photo-Editing Skills Rescued These Old Photos

As I’ve been working to increase my stock photo portfolios this year, I thought I would look over some of my old photos to see if there were any I could add. When I finally got around to it, I couldn’t believe how much potential stock I had just sitting on my hard...

3 Easy Tricks For Taking Photos That Will Sell

3 Easy Tricks For Taking Photos That Will Sell

We all carry our cell phones around all day, every day. So why not make it work for you? If you’re anything like me, once or twice you may have found yourself looking at something and thinking, “Gee, I wish I’d brought my camera.” Great saleable shots are everywhere....

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