Buying A Camera — Tips For Getting It Right

If you’re spending a lot of time (and money) buying a camera, you’re doing it wrong.  Camera bodies come and go.  It’s the lens and the brand of camera you decide to invest in that makes a good investment.   Pretty soon—I’d say in the next five to six years—most...

How To Build An Income Stream With Photography

How To Build An Income Stream With Photography

The first time I attended a Great Escape workshop was in Portland years ago.  I was an advertising sales representative at a large corporation, but one of my guilty pleasures was reading e-letters from Great Escape Publishing. I would daydream about traveling, taking...

How I Made The Transition To A Photography Career

If you’d asked me 30 years ago what do you want to be when you grow up?, artist was certainly not an answer I would’ve provided—and definitely not photographer.  Nope, I was too busy trying to follow a linear path that I thought was what you were supposed to do. The...

Why Become A Photographer (Other Than The Pay-checks)

Why Become A Photographer (Other Than The Pay-checks)

I will travel, take photos, and create art—whether someone pays me to do it or not. It’s just in my blood. Money has never been my primary motivation to become a photographer (though it’s certainly a nice perk). Flashback 23 years. Like many moms, I was the...

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