The Number One Rule Of Selling Photographs To Magazines

Sometimes we get so caught up with making the perfect picture—tack-sharp focus, vibrant color, fantastic moment—that we forget the cardinal rule of selling photographs to magazines. Let me share a secret I’ve learned from more than 30 years of selling photographs to...

How To Get Better Photos By Using A Tripod

How To Get Better Photos By Using A Tripod

Have you made friends with your tripod? If not, here are a few reasons why you should... ● Creative possibilities. A tripod opens up opportunities to play with longer exposures. For example, I wouldn’t have been able to take either of these blurred water shots without...

3 Tips For Creating Starbursts On A Twilight Photo Shoot

Twilight, when the skies are cobalt blue, is one of my favorite times to photograph. Images taken at twilight acquire a richness of color not present during the day, and the surrounding darkness can often hide ugly elements like garbage cans or power lines. To add an...

3 Keys To Better Street Photography

When I first started photography, I was inspired by the street shots of masters like Cartier-Bresson and W. Eugene Smith. I wanted to tell stories of places and capture fleeting moments. But like many beginners, I stuck to shooting easy subjects: Nature, landscapes,...

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