How Diagonal Lines In Photography Help Enhance Your Image

How Diagonal Lines In Photography Help Enhance Your Image

Have you ever stood in the middle of a giant redwood forest and looked up toward the sky to get a sense of the true height of the trees? Chances are you might feel a sense of great awe and even a bit of vertigo due to their extreme perceived height. If you point your...

Tips For Getting A Unique Perspective In Your Photo

Tips For Getting A Unique Perspective In Your Photo

Perspective can mean a lot of things, depending on the situation. It can be used to describe the way you think about things. Or for giving form and depth to a drawing on paper. For photographers, perspective is a handy tool you can use to enhance your shots and get...

Add Depth To Your Images With These Framing Tricks

Add Depth To Your Images With These Framing Tricks

Do you ever feel like your images lack a little oomph? That what you see in the real world just doesn’t quite translate into a photo with the same level of visual impact? Probably the biggest challenge with photography is that we’re trying to take this messy and...

Photo Tips To Get You Back Shooting This Summer

I have a confession to make… I haven’t taken my camera out in six months. Now, I know… I know… even though I’m not a professional photographer, I’m supposed to be better at this whole photography thing than you are because I work with professional photographers and...

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